
2010 International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction (Montreal (QC), Canada)

Program of the Third International Workshop on
Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction

Organized by GigaNet, in cooperation with
The Canadian Communication Association and Media@McGill


Programme du Troisième Atelier International sur
La gouvernance globale d’Internet : un champ de recherche interdisciplinaire en construction

Organisé par GigaNet, en collaboration avec
l’Association canadienne de communication et Media@McGill

Montreal (QC), Canada – 30-31 May 2010

Registration ~ Inscriptions
Note: Participants registering after 17 May 2010 will have to make their own arrangements for lunch


Les participants inscrits après le 17 mai 2010 devront s’organiser eux-mêmes pour le déjeuner

Remote Participation ~ Participation à distance

If you cannot attend in person, you can participate remotely. Prior to the event, please review the remote participation page for instructions on using Elluminate Live!. On the day of the event, look below for links to join the individual sessions (highlighted in pink).


Si vous ne pouvez pas participer physiquement, vous pouvez néanmoins participer à distance. Avant la date de l’évènement, veuillez prendre connaissance des instructions pour utiliser le logiciel Elluminate Live! sur la page consacrée à la participation à distance. Le jour de l’évènement, connectez-vous en cliquant sur les liens pertinents pour chaque session (identifiés en rose)

Presentation and Objectives / Présentation et objectifs

Building on the success of its first two editions, respectively in Paris, France in June 2008 and in Brussels, Belgium in May 2009, the purpose of this third GigaNet workshop is twofold.

The first day is dedicated to outreach sessions aimed at increasing the interest in the global Internet governance field among various academic disciplines and the civil society at large. An academic roundtable will explore global Internet governance research and the methodological and theoretical contributions from different academic disciplines to the field. Open discussions will follow on current global Internet governance debates and their relevance to public policy making, led by Canadian experts analyzing how these issues are locally played out.

The second day features thematic presentations selected upon submissions made in response to a call for contributions. Scholars will present and discuss their work-in-progress in Internet Governance-related research, with the aim to identify emerging research themes and design a research agenda. In order to provide a survey of current academic activities in the field, share ideas and forge possible collaborations, presentations will focus on problematics, research designs, preliminary empirical results and conclusions in the aim of stimulating reflection and discussion amongst the audience.


Après le succès de ses deux premières éditions, respectivement à Paris, France en juin 2008 et à Bruxelles, Belgique en mai 2009, l’objectif de ce troisième atelier GigaNet est double.

La première journée est dédiée à des sessions d’ouverture, dans l’objectif d’accroître l’intérêt pour le champ de la gouvernance globale d’Internet parmi les universitaires de différentes disciplines et la société civile dans son ensemble. Une table ronde académique débattra de la recherche en matière de gouvernance globale d’Internet et des contributions théoriques et méthodologiques apportées par différentes disciplines à ce champ de recherche. Des discussions ouvertes suivront, consacrées aux débats actuels en matière de gouvernance globale d’Internet et de leur pertinence pour la définition de politiques publiques. Ces discussions seront introduites par des experts canadiens analysant comment ces questions sont déclinées localement.

La deuxième journée est composée de présentations thématiques sélectionnées sur la base des contributions reçues en réponse à l’appel à participation. Des universitaires du domaine présenteront et discuteront leurs travaux en cours sur la gouvernance d’Internet, en vue d’identifier des thèmes de recherche émergents et de définir des programmes de recherche. Dans l’objectif de proposer un panorama des activités académiques actuelles dans ce champ, d’échanger des idées et de forger de possibles collaborations, les présentations mettront l’accent sur les problématiques et les méthodologies de recherche, ainsi que sur les résultats empiriques et conclusions préliminaires, pour stimuler la réflexion et la discussion avec les participants.

Detailed Program, Day 1 – Sunday 30 May 2010
Programme détaillé, 1ère journée – Dimanche 30 mai 2010

9:30-10:00 – Coffee and Registration

10:00-10:30 – OPENING SESSION [Join via Elluminate Live!]
Welcoming Remarks

  • Becky Lentz, Local Organizing Committee Chair
  • Meryem Marzouki, Program Committee Chair

Presentation of the Workshop Organizers

  • The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet), by Milton Mueller, Syracuse University & TU Delft, USA & The Netherlands
  • The Canadian Communication Association (CCA), by Daniel Paré, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Media@McGill, by Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada

Contributions and Program Overview by Workshop Chair

  • Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France


Global Internet governance is about institutions, regimes, actors and policies to deal with the global impact of Internet infrastructure, applications, services, content and activities. It refers to political, economical, social and technical norms and usages and how they interact in this context. Given the wide range of involved public and private actors and the variety of conflicting interests at stake, global Internet governance is also about ensuring the legitimacy and stability of this digital, globalized and distributed polity. This roundtable introduces these issues, problems, and processes and explores how different disciplines contribute to Internet governance research, in both theoretical and methodological terms.

Introduction: Milton Mueller, Syracuse University & TU Delft, USA & The Netherlands

  • Sandra Braman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
  • Derrick Gogburn, American University, USA
  • Laura DeNardis, Yale University, USA
  • Chris Marsden, University of Essex, UK
  • Claudia Padovani, University of Padova, Italy
  • Daniel Paré, University of Ottawa, Canada

12:30-13:30 – Lunch (provided on site)

13:30-16:00 – Civil Society Outreach Session / Dialogue avec la société civile (Open Mic Bilingual Discussion / Discussion ouverte bilingue)

This session aims at facilitating dialogue between academics, NGOs and other civil society groups and at trying to draw some new relevant perspectives into the conversation. The session is divided into three discussions, each focused on a particular issue. After an introduction of the topic by invited representatives of Canadian groups or coalitions, an informal discussion will follow, dedicated to information exchange and to the exploration of how current Global Internet Governance issues are playing out in Canada, international fora and elsewhere.
Discussions will be conducted in both English and French. Since there will be no simultaneous interpretation available, participants will use their preferred language to express themselves, with bilingual moderators facilitating the discussions.


Cette session vise à faciliter le dialogue entre universitaires, ONGs et autres groupes de la société civile et à identifier de nouvelles perspectives dans le débat sur la gouvernance globale d’Internet. La session est divisée en trois moments, chacun mettant l’accent sur une question donnée. Après une introduction du sujet par un représentant invité de coalitions associatives canadiennes, une discussion informelle s’établira, dédiée à l’échange d’information et à l’analyse de la manière selon laquelle les questions de gouvernance globale d’Internet se déclinent dans le contexte canadien, mais aussi dans des forum internationaux.
Les débats seront conduits en anglais et en français. L’interprétation simultanée n’étant pas disponible, les participants s’exprimeront dans la langue de leur choix, et des modérateurs bilingues faciliteront les échanges.

13:30-14:45 – Topic 1: Network Neutrality / Neutralité des réseaux [Join via Elluminate Live!]
Introduction: Steve Anderson, Executive Director / Directeur exécutif,; Coordinator / Coordinateur, Coalition, Canada

  • Daniel Paré, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Michèle Rioux, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

14:45-16:00 – Topic 2: Intellectual Property and Copyright / Propriété intellectuelle et copyright [Join via Elluminate Live!]
Introduction: Tamir Israel, Staff Lawyer / Avocat salarié, CIPPIC (Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic / Clinique d’intérêt public et de politique d’Internet du Canada), Canada

  • Evan Light, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Jeremy Shtern, Ryerson University, Canada

16:00-16:30 – Coffee Break / Pause café

16:30-18:00 – Civil Society Outreach Session (Cont’d) / Dialogue avec la société civile (suite)

16:30-17:45 – Topic 3: Privacy and Surveillance / Vie privée et surveillance [Join via Elluminate Live!]
Introduction: Dominique Peschard, President, Ligue des droits et libertés (Quebec); Representative / Représentant, ICLMG/CSILC (International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group / Coalition pour la surveillance internationale des libertés civiles), Canada

  • Nicolas Adam, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Stéphanie Perrin, University of Toronto, Canada

17:45-18:00 – Conclusions

Detailed Program, Day 2 – Monday 31 May 2010
Programme détaillé, 2e journée – Lundi 31 mai 2010

8:30-10:00 – SESSION 1: ACCESS TO INFRASTRUCTURE POLICIES [Join via Elluminate Live!]

Internet has become an essential tool to exercise everyday activities. Access to infrastructure is the first prerequisite to satisfy the resulting legitimate expectation that Internet services be accessible, affordable and unobstructed. This session will examine national, regional and international governance issues related to such access to infrastructure policies.

Chair: Keisuke Kamimura, International University of Japan, Japan

  • The Opportunity of Convergence: Using the Spectrum to Rethink the Limits of Civil Society and the Internet in the Case of Uruguay
    Evan Light, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Different Paths to Universal Broadband: The Impact of Political Structure, Governance and Policy Initiatives on Broadband Internet Diffusion in the Developed and Developing Worlds
    Jeff Gulati and David Yates, Bentley University, USA
  • Internet Law and Governance: Co-Regulation as a Constitutional Solution?
    Chris Marsden, University of Essex, UK

10:00-11:00 – SESSION 2: PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS [Join via Elluminate Live!]

“Code is law” or, more exactly, “code is policy”. Well, but how exactly these policies have been defined for 40 years, through thousands of RFCs and in so-called technical fora? What were, and still are, the policy debates involved in these discussions? This session will go beyond the acknowledgement that technical norms are defining and implementing political, legal and social norms, to decrypt the processes of policy making underlain by the discussions and adoptions of such technical standards.

Chair: Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada

  • Governance by Design: Technical Decision-Making for the Internet and Social Policy
    Sandra Braman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
  • Securing Critical Internet Resources: Influencing Standards through Delegation and Social Networks
    Brenden Kuerbis, Syracuse University, USA

11:00-11:30 – Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 – SESSION 3: CONTENT AND BEHAVIOR GOVERNANCE [Join via Elluminate Live!]

Internet regulation and governance policies are often decided and applied without even studying their actual need and their actual impact in terms of content and behavior. With different case studies, this session will explore whether current policies pass the reality check.

Chair: Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

  • Cybercrime in The Netherlands 2009. A Picture on the basis of Police Files
    Wouter Stol, E.R. Leukfeldt and M.M.L. Domenie, NHL University, The Netherlands
  • The Evolving Model of Content Regulation via Multi-Level Internet Governance: A Self-Regulation System in Korea
    YongSuk Hwang and Hyunjoo Lee, KunKuk University, The Republic of Korea and SUNY Buffalo, USA
  • Behavioral Aspects of the Use of URLs
    Dmitry Epstein, Cornell University, USA

13:00-14:00 – Lunch (provided on site)

14:00-15:30 – SESSION 4: ACTORS, INSTITUTIONS AND REGIMES [Join via Elluminate Live!]

Who are the players in the global Internet governance game? What are the rules of the game and how are they transforming in the course of the game or even performed by the game itself? How is the playground defined anyway, and who defines it? After the analysis of two case studies, a national and a transnational one, this session will introduce a methodological proposal for a collaborative mapping of the field.

Chair: Leslie Regan Shade, Concordia University, Canada

  • The Green Dam Case: A New Model of Chinese Internet Governance?
    Jing Xu, Peking University, China
  • Transnational Regulation of the Information Society: Institutional Emergence, Power, Authority
    Michèle Rioux and Nicolas Adam, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Mapping Internet Governance: A Proposal for Scholarly Collaboration
    Claudia Padovani and Arne Hinz, University of Padova, Italy and McGill University, Canada & Central European University, Hungary

15:30-16:00 – Closing Session

Registration Form and Practical Information
Formulaire d’inscription et informations pratiques

The workshop will be held at McGill University, Thomson House, 3650 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y2, Canada.
Attendance at the workshop is free and open to all interested parties, but early registration is required for logistics arrangements.

Please fill in the workshop registration form and sent it back to:, before 12 May 2010.
Lunch will be provided on site, but people registering after this date will have to make their own lunch arrangements.

The workshop registration form, a map of the McGill campus, directions to the campus and other practical information on local transportation and accommodation are available on the workshop website at:


L’atelier se déroulera à l’Université McGill, bâtiment Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal, Quebec H3A 1Y2, Canada.
La participation à l’atelier est gratuite et ouverte à toute personne intéressée. Toutefois, l’inscription préalable est nécessaire à l’organisation logistique.

Veuillez renseigner le formulaire d’inscription à l’atelier et le retourner à:, avant le 12 mai 2010.
Le déjeuner sera fourni sur place, mais les personnes inscrites après la date limite devront déjeuner par leurs propres moyens.

Le formulaire d’inscription à l’atelier, un plan du campus McGill, des informations d’accès au campus et autres informations pratiques sur les moyens de transport et d’hébergement à Montréal sont disponibles sur le site web de l’atelier à :

Program Committee ~ Comité de programme

  • Laura DeNardis, Yale University, USA
  • Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
  • Milton Mueller, Syracuse University, USA & TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • Claudia Padovani, Padova University, Italy & McGill University, Canada
  • Jeremy Shtern, Ryerson University, Canada

Local Organizing Committee ~ Comité local d’organisation

  • Juliana Dalley, McGill University, Canada
  • Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada
  • Daniel Paré, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Claire Roberge, McGill University, Canada

Organizers ~ Organisateurs

  • Global Internet Governance Academic Network ~ Réseau académique sur la gouvernance globale d’Internet (GigaNet)
  • The Canadian Communication Association ~ Association canadienne de communication (ACC-CCA), Canada
  • Media@McGill, Canada

Sponsors ~ Parrainage

  • Global Internet Governance Academic Network ~ Réseau académique sur la gouvernance globale d’Internet (GigaNet)
  • The Canadian Communication Association ~ Association canadienne de communication (ACC-CCA), Canada
  • Media@McGill, Canada
  • Computer Sciences Laboratory of Paris 6 ~ Laboratoire d’informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6), France
  • Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France

Workshop Website ~ Site web de l’atelier

Workshop documents ~ Documents de l’Atelier

2009 International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction (Brussels, Belgium)

Second International Workshop on

Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction

A GigaNet workshop, organized in cooperation with ECREA IIC, CD and CLP Sections

Brussels, Belgium, 11 May 2009

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Campus Etterbeek, Building D, Promotiezaal D.2.01


Presentation and Objectives

Building on the success of its first edition in Paris, France, in June 2008, the purpose of this workshop is the presentation and discussion of work-in-progress in Internet Governance-related research with the aim to identify emerging research themes and design a research agenda. We are interested in exchanging information and ideas about national and regional projects and networks currently pursuing research on global Internet governance, but also in identifying academic syllabi or other education programs dedicated to these issues, in order to share ideas and forge possible collaborations. Scholars from various academic disciplines and all regions of the world contribute to this reflexive exercise, with the long-term objective of collectively building this interdisciplinary research field.

Rather than featuring formal academic paper presentations, the workshop aims at providing a survey and discussion of current academic activities and work in progress in the field of global Internet governance. The workshop is mainly organized around the 4 panels described below. They will address issues having emerged from the submitted contributions, as well as research methodologies. Panelists have been selected among the authors of these contributions after the evaluation process conducted by the workshop committee.

Final Program

09:00-09:30 – Opening Session

  • Welcoming Remarks by Workshop Co-Chair (Slides)

Luciano Morganti, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  • Presentation of the Workshop Organizers

Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)

European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), International and Intercultural Communication (IIC) section, Communication and Democracy (CD) section, Communication, Law and Policy (CLP) section

  • Contributions and Program Overview by Workshop Co-Chair(Slides)

Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie, France


09:30-10:45 – Panel 1 -Power Dynamics in IG: Transformation or Consolidation?

This panel will discuss research activities dealing with global Internet governance actors and their power relationships. It will examine to which extent new power dynamics are actually emerging.

ChairLeo Van Audenhove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


  • Multi-Stakeholderism and Intra-Civil Society Networking: The case of the WSIS IG-working group mailing list (AbstractSlides)

Bart Cammaerts, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

  • Negotiation and the Global Information Economy: Implications for Internet Governance (AbstractSlides)

JP Singh, Georgetown University (Washington DC), USA

  • The governance of web standards. Economic struggles in the XML case (Abstract,Slides)

François-Xavier Dudouet, Université Paris 9 Dauphine, France

Benjamin Nguyen, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, France

Antoine Vion, Université de la Méditerranée, France

  • Proceduralization, Agencification, and Privatization: Internet Governance’s Three Pillars and their Normative Consequences (AbstractSlides)

Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie, France

  • Wars in Cyberspace : the recasting of military power in the digital age (AbstractSlides)

Jean-Loup Samaan, French Ministry of Defense, France

10:45-11:15 – Coffee Break

11:15-12:30 – Panel 2 – Critical Internet Resources and the Never-Ending ICANN Case

This panel will focus on the global governance of critical Internet resources and will bring fresh views on ICANN role in this field.

ChairJP Singh, Georgetown University (Washington DC), USA


  • Work in progress in Internet governance: a proposed study on ICANN’s opening for new gTLDs (Abstract,Slides)

Laura Abba, CNR, Pisa Institute for Informatics and Telematics, Italy

Stefano Trumpy, CNR, Pisa Institute for Informatics and Telematics, Italy

  • The Governance of Internet Country Code Top Level Domains in Europe (Abstract,Slides)

George Christou, University of Warwick, UK

Seamus Simpson, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

  • Administration and marketing of the ccTLD and its policy implications on Internet governance (Abstract,Slides)

Keisuke Kamimura, Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan, Japan

Rolf H. Weber, University of Zurich, Switzerland

  • Neo-Liberal Globalization and Internet Governance (AbstractSlides)

Hangwoo Lee, Chungbuk National University, South Korea

12:30-13:45–Lunch Break

13:45-15:00 – Panel 3 – Regulation of Technologies and Technological Regulation

This panel will look at global Internet governance research activities related to regulation. Presentations will address ICT regulation means as well as using ICTs as a mean of regulation.

ChairKatharine Sarikakis, University of Leeds, UK


Adam Candeub, Michigan University (MI), USA

  • The CRID, an interdisciplinary research centre focusing on ICT regulation (AbstractSlides)

Yves Poullet, University of Namur (FUNDP), Belgium

  • An assumption analysis of the Creative Content Online Public Consultation by the European Commission (AbstractSlides)

Luciano Morganti, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Leo Van Audenhove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  • Keeping Free Speech, Privacy and Property Real in Virtual Worlds: a Reasonable Duty for the Owners/Creators ? (AbstractSlides)

Pierre-François Docquir, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

  • Actively vs. Passive Volunteered Personal Information (AbstractSlides)

Mark Lizar, London South Bank University & Identity Trust CIC, UK

15:00-15:30 – Coffee Break

15:30-17:00 – Panel 4 – What’s in a field? IG Research Methodologies and Boundaries

This panel will look at global Internet governance research activities in terms of methodologies and approaches. It also aims at defining the contours of the field.

ChairBart Cammaerts, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK


  • Mapping Internet Governance: theoretical framework, research methodologies and possible implementation strategies (With a little help from my friends…) (AbstractSlides)

Claudia Padovani, University of Padova, Italy

Elena Pavan, University of Trento, Italy

  • Modes of Governance in Digitally Networked Environments: Perspectives from an Interdisciplinary Workshop (AbstractSlides)

Malte Ziewitz, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK

  • Internet Governance – Under Construction: Doing Multidisciplinary and Multisited Research in ‘Real Life’ and Online (AbstractSlides)

Marianne Franklin, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

  • An Assessment of the Contribution of the Lebanese Universities in Internet Governance (Abstract,Slides)

Antoine Melki, University of Balamand, Lebanon

  • Public Opinion Formation in Convergence Culture (Abstract, Presentation without slides)

Jakob Svensson, Karlstad University, Sweden

17:00-17:30 – Closing Session

  • Synthesis of Discussions, Conclusion and Way Forward

Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Luciano Morganti, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


Additional Contributions

These contributions have been accepted by the program committee, but their authors couldn’t confirm their participation to the workshop:

  • Technology-Aware Policy Analysis: Case Studies of Deep Packet Inspection and Network Management (Abstract)

Ralf Bendrath, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

  • Internet Regulation ; Governance without the state, an exercise in global cooperation (Abstract)

Rafid A Y Fatani, University of Exeter, UK

  • The social imaginary of new media practices : issues for discussion (Abstract)

Pantelis Vatikiotis, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece


Program Committee

This workshop is organized by the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) in cooperation with three thematic sections of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA): International and Intercultural Communication (IIC), Communication and Democracy (CD), Communication, Law and Policy (CLP) sections. Members of the program committee are


  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium
  • Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT), Belgium
  • Research Center on Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunication (SMIT), Belgium
  • Computer Sciences Laboratory of Paris 6 (LIP6), France
  • University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France

2009 Annual Symposium (Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt)

Fourth GigaNet Annual Symposium

Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt

14 November 2009

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) is a scholarly community which aims: (i) to promote the development of Internet Governance as a recognized interdisciplinary field of study and (ii) to facilitate the informed dialogue on policy and issues in a multistakeholder approach.

In order to fulfills its goals, since 2006, it has been organizing a collective premier research event, the GigaNet Annual Symposium at the Internet Governance Forum meetings, which is an opportunity to showcase some of the best current research on Internet Governance from around the world and provides a venue for scholars to discuss and debate these crucial issues.

Prior successful symposia in Greece (2006), Brazil (2007) and India (2008) lead us to the Fourth GigaNet Symposium to be held in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, on November 14th, 2009- one day before the IGF official opening, at Maritim Sharm El Sheikh International Congress Centre (SHICC) – Room Nile Valley.  Also, we will again offer Remote Participation options for the Symposium.  Links to the recordings of the remote participation are below.


Symposium Program


Ronald J. Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, “Beyond Denial: Introducing the Next Generation of Internet Controls”


8:00- 9:00 CREDENTIALS (All times are local to Sharm-el-Sheik. To identify the time in your location, see TimeandDatecom).

 Recording of Remote Participation for Morning Sessions

9:00 – 9:15 – Opening Session

9:15 – 10:00 PANEL 1 – What is Internet Governance?

Conceptualizing Internet Governance
William J. Drake, Centre for International Governance, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies 

Why the Field of Internet Governance is not About Internet Governance

Michel van Eeten, Delft University of Technology

MODERATOR: Hans Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology


10:00 – 11:00 – KEYNOTE SPEECH

Beyond Denial: Introducing the Next Generation of Internet Controls

Ronald J. Deibert, Professor and Director, The Citizen Lab, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.

Rafal Rohozinski, CEO at Psiphon Inc., Principal and CEO at The SecDev Group, Ottawa, Canada.




11:30 – 12:30 PANEL 2 – CYBERSECURITY

More than a feeling – conceptualizing Internet security governance

Andreas Schmidt, Delft University of Technology  

Who Provides National Cyber Security?v 

Y.J. Park, Delft University of Technology

Do the Internet Security Alerts Have an Impact on Lowering ccTLD Security Level?

Jay Rajasekera, from International University of Japan and Suvashis Das, from Nagaoka University of Technology.

MODERATOR: John Laprise, Northwestern University in Qatar


12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH

 Recording of Remote Participation for Afternoon Sessions



The Internet Bill of Rights Project: A Way to Reconcile Natural Freedoms and Needs for Regulation?

Francesca Musiani, Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, MINES ParisTech

The ethical dimensions of internet governance: the utility of the human rights framework.


Max Senges, Stanford University, Palo Alto

Governmental Filtering of Websites: the Dutch Case

W.Ph. Stol, NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden and Open University of the Netherlands,Chair Police Studies;

H.K.W. Kaspersen, Free University Amsterdam, Computer Law Institute;

  1. Kerstens,NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden

E.R. Leukfeldt, NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden  

A.R. Lodder, Free University Amsterdam, Computer Law Institute; 

Assessing Internet Controls in a Comparative Perspective: The development of Freedom House’s pilot index of global internet and digital media freedom

Karin Deutsch Karkelar andSarah G. Cook, both from Freedom House

Social Media and Global Internet Governance: innovations and limitations

Robert Bodle, College of Mount St. Joseph, USA. (awarded 2009 IGP fellowship)

MODERATOR: Meryem Marzouki, LIP6/PolyTIC – CNRS



Evaluating Internet Governance innovation: the Internet Governance Forum and the construction of collaboration

Nanette S. Levinson, International Communication Program, School of International Service, American University,

Derrick L. Cogburn, Syracuse University and American University

Down on the mapping road. – Progresses and challenges of mapping Internet governance within theGlobal Media and Communication Governance landscape.

Elena Pavan, DSRS Unversity of Trento, Italy

Claudia Padovani, DSSP University of Padova, Italy

Defining the elephant: Discourse analysis of the Internet Governance – Debate at the World Telecommunication Policy Forum 2009

Dmitry Epstein, Communication, Cornell University, USA 

MODERATOR: Prof. Olga Cavalli, University of Buenos Aires





Before the sky falls down: a ‘constitutional dialogue’ over the depletion of Internet addresses

Jeanette Hofmann, London School of Economics and Political Science,

Extension of Traditional “Internet Governance” to the Internet of Things

Prof. Rolf H. Weber, University of Zurich

Internet Governance and Social Development: Is this the Forgotten Key? The Impact on Cultural Diversity in the Caribbean

Marsha Guthrie, DiploFoundation
MODERATOR: Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus





Thoughts on the future of ICTs, human social behaviour and global governance.

Andrew Gordon, GlobalVote

The Law & Economics of cyber-security and privacy

Sergio Alves Júnior, University of Brasília – Department of Economics – Brazil

Internet Governance Typology: A Conceptual Framework for Practical Policy Analysis

Hans Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology

Internet Governance: a complex approach

Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo, Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR (National Center for Research) and Nexa Center for Internet and Society, Politecnico of Turin

From cyberpiracy to cyberattacks: Political science and the challenge of cyberwarfare

Jean-Loup Samaan, French Ministry of Defense

Regulating Internet Cafes in Mainland China: The Issues of Special Administrative Measures

Jing Xu, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University

Stunting Economic Development south of the Mediterranean: The impact of internet censorship on e-business and e-commerce

Ben Wagner, Public Administration: International and Development Administration, Universiteit Leiden.

Nothing new under the sun: Jose Ortega y Gasset and the governance of the internet.

Deirdre Williams, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Castries St Lucia





2009 Program Committee members

Milton Mueller, Syracuse University, USA – (GigaNet Chair)

Raquel Gatto, PUC/SP, Brazil – (Program Committee Chair)

Lamees El Baghdady, Modern Sciences and Arts University, Egypt – (Symposium Coordinator)

Konstantinos Komaitis, University of Strathclyde, UK – (Membership Chair)

Nanette Levinson, American University, USA

Olga Cavalli, ITBA, Argentina

Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada

Carolina Aguerre, Universidad San Andres, Argentina

Ana Abreu, University of São Carlos – UFSCAR, Brazil

2008 International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction (Paris, France)

Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction

A GigaNet workshop, organized in cooperation with GDR TICS and DEL Networks

Paris, France, 23 June 2008 – 08:30-13:30

University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle – Institut du Monde Anglophone

Workshop agenda with links to presenter’s abstracts

08:30-09:00 – Registration

09:00-09:30 – Opening Session

Welcoming Remarks by Workshop Chair
Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Presentation of Global Internet Governance Academic Network by GigaNet Chair
Nanette S. Levinson, American University, USA

Presentation of French ICT and Society Academic Network by GDR TICS Co-Chair
Eric Brousseau, University Paris X Nanterre, France

Presentation of French Electronic Democracy Academic Network by DEL Co-Chair
Thierry Vedel, CNRS & Sciences Po, France

Contributions and Program Overview by Workshop Chair
Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie, France

09:30-10:15 – Roundtable: Models, Players, and Democratic Principles

This roundtable discusses research activities dealing with global Internet governance institutional issues. It addresses governance sources, models and regimes and explore the role of different players and their interactions in such processes. These evolutions and their impact on human rights and democratic principles are examined.

Chair: Thierry Vedel, CNRS & Sciences Po, France

10:15-10:45 – Coffee break, sponsored by GDR TICS-CNRS

10:45-11:30 – Roundtable: Regulation Policies and Regulatory Issues

This roundtable focuses on research activities related to regulation policies and specific regulatory issues of concern with global Internet governance. A diversity of approaches and perspectives is discussed. The use of technology for regulation purposes is particularly examined.

Chair: Eric Brousseau, University Paris X Nanterre, France

11:30-12:15 – Roundtable: Regional Perspectives and Sociocultural Issues

This roundtable looks at global Internet governance research activities from regional perspectives and sociocultural approaches, discussing whether local or other community specific dimensions could be identified. Last but not least, discussions explore Internet governance international curricula, and discuss their potential role in shaping common understanding and shared values.

Chair: Divina Frau-Meigs, University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

12:15-12:30 – Closing Session

Synthesis of Discussions
Dominique Boullier, University Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne & CNRS, France

Conclusion and Way Forward
Meryem Marzouki, CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie, France

12:30 – Cocktail, sponsored by Sciences Po International Office, Center of the Americas

2008 Annual Symposium (Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), India)

The research agenda of GigaNet is driven by its diverse members. As a collective premier research event, GigaNet Program Committee organizes an Annual Symposium at the Internet Governance Forum meetings. The GigaNet Annual Symposium is an opportunity to showcase some of the best current research on Internet Governance from around the world and provides a venue for scholars to discuss and debate these crucial issues.

The  1st GigaNet Symposium was held in Athens, Greece, on 29 October 2006. The 2nd GigaNet Symposium was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 11 November 2007.

Third GigaNet Annual Symposium

Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), India

2 December 2008

The Symposium brochure(with introduction, detailed program, acknowledgments and biographies), posterand list of pre-registered participants are available online, as well as the photo gallery of presenters

Program agenda with links to full papers and presenters’ photos>

9:00-9:30 Opening Session

Welcoming Remarks by GigaNet Chair

NANETTE S. LEVINSON, American University, USA

Program Overview by Program Chair

MERYEM MARZOUKI, CNRS & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

9:30-11:15 SESSION 1 – Chair: ROLF H. WEBER, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Networked Global Governance And The Institutionalization of Internet Governance

New Web Standards in the Making: Transnational Private Governance and Beyond

FRANÇOIS-XAVIER DUDOUET, CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine, France
BENJAMIN NGUYEN (presenter), Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, France
ANTOINE VION (presenter), Université de la Méditerranée, France

Co-Creating Processes in Global Governance: The Case of Internet Governance
NANETTE S. LEVINSON, American University, USA

More Substance than Process: Information Government’s Lessons for Internet Governance
VIKTOR MAYER-SCHÖNBERGER (presenter), LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

Structuring Online and Offline Discursive Spaces of Internet Governance: Insights from a Network Approach to Map an Emerging Field
ELENA PAVAN (presenter), University of Trento, Italy
MARIO DIANI, University of Trento, Italy

ICANN’s GAC and Global Governance of the Internet: The Role of the EU in Bringing Back ‘Government’ to Internet Governance
JAMAL SHAHIN (presenter), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium & Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
MATTHIAS FINGER, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland


11:45-13:30 SESSION 2 – Chair: NIKHIL AGARWAL, Europe Asia Business School, India
Global Internet Governance: The Diverse Instruments of a complex mechanism

The Humanization of Internet Governance: A Roadmap Towards a Comprehensive Global (Human) Rights Architecture for the Internet
WOLFGANG BENEDEK (presenter), University of Graz, Austria
MATTHIAS C. KETTEMANN, University of Graz, Austria
MAX SENGES, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain & Stanford University, USA

Architecting Civil Liberties
LAURA DENARDIS (presenter), Yale Law School, USA

Internet Governance and the Jurisdiction of States
JOANNA KULESZA, University of Lodz, Poland

Disrupting Global Governance: The Internet Whois Service, ICANN, and Privacy
MILTON MUELLER, Syracuse University, USA & Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
MAWAKI CHANGO (presenter), Syracuse University, USA

Internet Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Latin-America
CRISTOS VELASCO SAN MARTIN, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

13:30-14:30 LUNCH BRE AK

14:30-16:15 SESSION 3 – Chair: STEPHEN D. MCDOWELL, Florida State University, USA
Stakeholders or Social Actors? Power Dynamics In Internet Governance

Capacity Building’ through Learning in the Global Internet Governance For
SLAVKA ANTONOVA, Massey University, New Zealand

Engendering Internet Governance Research: The Example of Censorship
HEIKE JENSEN (presenter), Humboldt University, Germany

Two Kinds of Violence: Internet Governance and Internet Mob in Mainland China
ZHUO ZHANG, Wuhan University, China
HANDONG WANG, Wuhan University, China

From Athens to Hyderabad: Ontological Politics in the Internet Governance Forum
TAREK CHENITI (presenter), Oxford University, United Kingdom

Social Actors on a Hot Tin Roof? Between the Traditionaland the Avant-garde in ‘Internet Governance’ Mobilization
MARIANNE I. FRANKLIN (presenter), Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom




An Assessment of the UN Internet Governance Forum
OLGA CAVALLI, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Separated Together: The International Telecommunication Union and Civil Society
KRISTINA IRION, Central European University, Hungary

Realizing the Global Promise of the Internet: The Future of Internet Governance

Building Regional and Ethno-Linguistic Communities in the Infosphere: dot Asia and dot Cat
STEPHEN D. MCDOWELL (presenter), Florida State University, USA
PHILIP E. STEINBERG, Florida State University, USA
YI-HSING HAN, Florida State University, USA

The Space Law Analogy to Internet Governance
JEREMY MALCOLM (presenter), Consumers International, Malaysia

Who Dominates the Market First? Competition Between IDN ccTLDs and IDN gTLDs
Y.J. PARK, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Toward a Humanistic Conception of Cyberspace. A Twofold Challenge for Netizens Mobilizing for a Democratic Internet Governance
ELENA PAVAN, University of Trento, Italy
MAX SENGES (presenter), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain & Stanford University, USA
KONSTANTINOS KOMAITIS, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Modifying the Data Stream: Deep Packet Inspection and Internet Censorship
BEN WAGNER (presenter), University of Granada, Spain & University of Munich, Germany

Social Contract As Model For The Internet Community
ROLF H. WEBER (presenter), University of Zürich, Switzerland