
2013 Annual Symposium (Bali, Indonesia)

GigaNet 8th Annual Symposium

21 October 2013

Bali, Indonesia



Moderator: Derrick Cogburn (American University)



  • Thinking Clearly about Multistakeholder Internet Governance
    Laura DeNardis and Mark Raymond
  • Transformation of the international telecommunications regime into the global telecommunication governance With a Comparative Institutional Analysis Approach
    Yoko Nishioka
  • Assessing the influence of online activism on internet policy-making: SOPA and ACTA
    Alison Powell


12:30 – 12:50 BOOK LAUNCH


12:30 – 1:30 LUNCH




The fora are a new interactive format intended to be open discussion venues where IGF participants can come to interact with subject matter experts in relevant topical areas.



  • John Laprise – Historical perspectives on national security and communication
  • Christopher S. Yoo – Cyber War vs. Kinetic War: Technical Differences and Legal Implications
  • Nir Kshetri – Cybersecurity-related Barriers to International Trade and Investment
  • Edet Ojo (Media Rights Foundation- Nigeria)
  • Moez Chakchouk – Beyond Cyberwar: Impacts on internet governance policies: Tunisian experience
  • Additional experts to be announced.



  • Ron Dilbert, Citizen Lab
  • Jiow Hee Jhee and Sofia Morales – Perception & Effects of Surveillance in Singapore
  • Robert Bodle – Social media and cybersecurity: examining the public-private nexus of state security and online social production
  • Alex Comninos (APC)
  • Additional experts to be announced

2012 Annual Symposium (Baku, Azerbaijan)

GigaNet 7th Annual Symposium 

5 November 2012

 Pre-conference to the UN Internet Governance Forum

Baku Expo Exhibition and Convention Center, Baku, Azerbaijan

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) will hold the Seventh GigaNet Annual Symposium, on 5 November 2012, one day before the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Since 2006, GigaNet has organized an Annual Symposium to showcase research about Internet Governance, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach. As in previous years, this year’s symposium will provide room to discuss current and future questions as well as the challenges encountered and results achieved in Global Internet Governance.

Please visit the event website for further information and registration:

Final program


9.00 – 9.15: Introduction by the Chair of GigaNet


9.15 – 10.30: The UN, the ITU and Internet governance

Chair: Milton Mueller – Syracuse University


10.30 – 11.15: Governance of critical Internet resources

Chair: Stefano Trumpy – CNR – Istituto di Informatica e Telematica

11.15 – 11.45: Coffee break


11.45 – 13.00: The role of private actors in Internet governance

Chair: Leo Van Audenhove – Vrije Universiteit Brussel


13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break


14.30 – 15.30: The Internet, civic engagement and state repression

Chair: Lee Hibbard – Council of Europe

15.30 – 16.00: Coffee break


16.00 – 17.30: Cyber security, privacy and copyright

Chair: Michel van Eeten  –  Delft University of Technology



The GigaNet Annual Symposium is free of charge.

Registration is possible via the event website:



The symposium will take place at the Baku Expo Exhibition and Convention Center, the venue of the 2012 Internet Governance Forum.

Please visit the website of IGF 2012for information about the venue and accommodation in Baku.



For questions concerning the program and the organisation, please contact the symposium organizers Leo Van Audenhove, Program Committee Chair, and Julia Pohle.



Coffee breaks and other expenses supported by:


2011 International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction (Washington, DC, USA)

 The 2011 International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction was held at American University, School of International Service (SIS), Washington, DC, on 5-6 May 2011 .

2011 Annual Symposium (Nairobi, Kenya)

GigaNet Sixth Annual Symposium

United Nations Office, UNON complex, Nairobi, Kenya

Room 11

September 26, 2011

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET) will hold its Sixth Annual Symposium on 26 September 2011, one day before the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Since 2006, GigaNet has organized an Annual Symposium to showcase research about Internet Governance, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach. Prior successful symposia took place in Greece (2006), Brazil (2007), India (2008), Egypt (2009) and Lithuania (2010). In 2011, the Internet Governance Forum has entered its second phase, after having reached the end of its first 5-years mandate. This year’s event will provide room to discuss the challenges encountered and results achieved during the first five years of IGF. As in previous years the GigaNet Symposium will further discuss current and future questions of Global Internet Governance.

The symposium will be organized in co-operation with Research ICT Africa (RIA). RIA is a network of researchers in 20 African countries conducting research on ICT policy and regulation and facilitating evidence-based and informed policy making for improved access, use and application of ICT for social development and economic growth.


Remote participation

Remote participants is provided via the IGF website:



Registration is free of charge. If you are planning to either attend in person or remotely participate, please register at or send an email to

Preliminary program


9.45 – 10.15: Gathering & Coffee

10.15 – 10.30: Introduction & Welcome


10.30 – 12.15: Panel 1: Internet Governance Processes and Institutions

12.15 – 13.45: Lunch

13.45 – 15.00: Roundtable on the state of Internet Governance Research and Practices in Africa

  • Alison Gillwald (Research ICT Africa)
  • John Walubengo (University of Nairobi)
  • Shikoh Gitau (Researcher Google &Young African Researchers Network)


15.15-15.30: Coffee

15.30- 17.00: Panel 3: Internet Rights and Repression


17.15-18.15: Roundtable on the state of Internet Rights

Roundtable jointly organized by GigaNet and APC

  • Anriette Esterhuyzen (Association for Progressive Communication – APC)
  • William J. Drake (Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ, University of Zurich) (GigaNet)
  • Peng Hwa Ang (Signapore Internet Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University) (GigaNet)
  • Lee Hibbard (Council of Europe)
  • Joy Liddicoat (Association for Progressive Communication – APC)
  • Wolfgang Kleinwächter (University of Aarhus) (GigaNet) 


GigaNet 2011 Program Committee

  • Leo Van Audenhove – PC Chair, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • Roy Balleste – St. Thomas University, Miami, USA
  • William Drake – University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Dmitry Epstein – Cornell University, USA
  • Marianne Franklin – Goldsmiths University London, UK
  • Raquel Gatto – Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Alison Gillwald – Director Research ICT Africa
  • Nanette Levinson – American University, USA
  • Milton Mueller – Syracuse University, USA
  • Rolf H. Weber – University of Zurich, Switzerland



If you have any question related to the symposium, please e-mail the Program Committee Chair:

Additional papers to download

2010 Annual Symposium (Vilnius, Lithuania)

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) is a scholarly community which aims: (i) to promote the development of Internet Governance as a recognized interdisciplinary field of study and (ii) to facilitate the informed dialogue on policy and issues in a multistakeholder approach.

To fulfill its goals, GigaNet has organized an annual research symposium since 2006. Held in conjunction with the Internet Governance Forum, it is an opportunity to showcase current research on Internet Governance from around the world and provides a venue for scholars to discuss and debate these crucial issues.

Prior successful symposia in Greece (2006), Brazil (2007), India (2008) and Egypt (2009) lead us to the Fifth GigaNet Symposium to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on September 13th, 2010 – one day before the IGF official opening, at LITEXPO. This year’s Symposium is graciously sponsored in part by the MIT Press, with facilities provided by the IGF Secretariat.

Registration is free of charge. If you are planning to either attend in person or remotely participate, please register at participants can find further instructions for participating here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Fifth GigaNet Annual Symposium

LITEXPO (Hall 5, Room 3), Vilnius, Lithuania [VIEW SITE MAP]

September 13, 2010

Program [pdf]

(Last update: 6 September 2010)

9:00-9:15 Opening & Welcome

9:15-10:30 PANEL 1: Internet governance theory and issue

Moderator: William Drake, Centre for International Governance of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva

  • Peng Hwa Ang and Natalie Pang, Going Beyond Talk: Can International Internet Governance Work? – ANG and PANG.pdf

  • Everton Lucero, Global Governance of Critical Internet Resources: A Perspective from the South – LUCERO.pdf

  • Jean-Marie Chenou, Multistakeholderism or elitism? The creation of a transnational field of Internet governance – CHENOU.pdf

10:30-11:00 Poster Session and Coffee Break (sponsored by MIT Press)

11:00-12:15 PANEL 2: State power and Internet governance

Moderator: Rolf Weber, European Law Institute and the Center for Information and Communication Law at the University of Zurich

  • Joanna Kulesza, State responsibility for acts of cyber-terrorism – KULESKA.pdf

  • Jeremy Shtern, Models of Global Internet Governance and the Projection of State Power: The Case of Facebook and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada –  SHTERN.pdf

  • Lorena Jaume-Palasi and Ben Wagner, Nosy preferences of Google and China: Modeling an internet governance conflict using Amartya Sen’s liberal paradox – PALASI and WAGNER.pdf

12:15-12:45 Book Release Event

Introduction given by William Drake, editor of the MIT Press series on “The Information Revolution and Global Politics”, followed by remarks from Milton Mueller, author of the newly released book, “Networks and States: the Global Politics of Internet Governance”.

12:45-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:45 PANEL 3: Interaction of technology, operations and governance

Moderator: Meryem Marzouki, LIP6/PolyTIC – CNRS

  • Brenden Kuerbis, Securing Internet routing: Influence and control of critical Internet resources through social networks and delegation – KUERBIS.pdf

  • Dmitry Epstein, Qiu-Hong Wang, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Milton Mueller, What’s in the name? A behavioral study of the use of the URLs in China and the US – EPSTEIN AT AL.pdf

  • Laura DeNardis, The Privatization Of Internet Governance – DENARDIS – The Privitization of Internet Governance.pdf

14:45-15:45 PANEL 4: IGF practice, multistakeholderism and emerging issues

  • Nanette Levinson, Evaluating and Analyzing Collaboration In Cross-cultural and Cross-sectoral Perspective: Indicators from The Internet Governance Forum – LEVINSON.pdf

  • Ivar Alberto Hartmann, Universal Access policies and Internet Access as a Fundamental Right: The Constitutional Law Perspective informed by the Brazilian Case – HARTMANN.pdf

15:45-16:00 Closing

16:00-16:30 Poster Session and Coffee Break (sponsored by MIT Press)

16:30-17:30 GigaNet Business Meeting (open to members and potential applicants)

Convener: GigaNet Chair, Milton Mueller

Poster session:

Many thanks to the 2010 Program Committee members:

  • Slavka Antonova, University of North Dakota, USA

  • Lamees El Baghdady, Modern Sciences and Art University, Egypt

  • Roy Balleste, St. Thomas University, USA

  • Olga Cavalli, South SSIG, Argentina

  • Dmitry Epstein, Cornell University, USA

  • Marianne Franklin, University of London, UK

  • Raquel Gatto – PC Chair, PUC-SP, Brazil

  • Konstantinos Komaitis – Membership Chair, University of Strathclyde, UK

  • Brenden Kuerbis – Communications Chair, Syracuse University, USA

  • Nanette Levinson, American University, USA

  • Milton Mueller – GigaNet Chair, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands