
2021 Annual Symposium Call for Papers (Katowice, Poland, virtual)

GigaNet Annual Symposium 2021 (virtual)

GigaNet – the Global Internet Governance Academic Network – is now accepting extended abstracts for papers to be presented at its annual symposium. As of now, GigaNet 2021 is planned as a virtual conference alongside the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), held in a hybrid format in Katowice, Poland, on 6-10 December 2021.

Papers on any Internet/digital governance-related topic are welcome. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. There will be the possibility of a focused subset of accepted papers to be fast-tracked for publication in a relevant journal. Last year, a collection of papers presented at the conference were invited for a special issue of Telecommunications Policy

Welcome topics for this year’s symposium include, but are not limited to:

Internet Governance as a field of study

  • Narratives, myths and frictions in the construction of the Internet governance field
  • Internet governance cultures and power dynamics 
  • Theoretical innovations and new methods applicable to Internet governance research

The evolution of Internet governance, institutions, and norms in the areas of: 

  • Internet standards and protocols
  • Internet infrastructure
  • Platform governance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Governance of data streams
  • Digital rights online 

Future-oriented Internet research agenda

  • Emerging topics in Internet governance (e.g. environment)
  • Digital sovereignty
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on the governance of new technologies (Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, virtual currencies), etc.

Internet Governance in time of pandemics

  • New challenges and opportunities of digitalization 
  • Health governance & COVID-tracing apps
  • Freedoms, rights and limitations 
  • Internet governance and emergency preparedness 

GigaNet is oriented around the presentation of research papers. The proposed extended abstract should be 800-1000 words long (excluding bibliography) and must describe:

1.   Research question(s),

2.   Data used, 

3.   Methodology, and 

4.   Main (expected) findings of the paper,

5. Contributions to literature and/or ongoing policy debates. 

Theoretical papers need not specify the data used but must have a clear research question and statement of the specific theories used and literature in which the analysis is situated. 

The extended abstract must be uploaded to the Easychair website by 17 June 2021, 23.59h (in the submitter’s timezone). (New extended date)

Reviews of individual abstracts will be double blinded. Please do not include names or any other personally identifiable information on the uploaded file or in the text of the submission itself on the EasyChair platform. (The platform records the author name(s) and contact information: the program committee chair will be able to see that information.) Full papers should only be submitted upon invitation, following the selection of abstracts. 

GigaNet encourages emerging scholars and researchers working with diverse methodologies to submit their work to the symposium. Proposals should be submitted in English. Participation in the GigaNet symposium is free of charge.

 Important dates:

Deadline for abstracts submission (extended): 17 June

Notification to authors of acceptances/rejections: 13 August

Accepted authors confirm attendance: 18 August

Full papers due: 15 October

GigaNet Symposium: 6 December

2020 Annual Symposium Programme (Katowice, Poland, virtual)

GigaNet Symposium at IGF – 2 November 2020

Join the debate on our live tweeting-> #GigaNet2020

Please register for the conference here. We will share the Zoom links with the people registered. There will be parallel sessions running in Stream A and B, with separate links provided. Participants accessing the conference via the IGF website will be redirected.

Steam A: 13:40-13:55 UTC – Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Dmitry Epstein, GigaNet Chair
Roxana Radu, GigaNet Program Chair 2020

14:00-15:15 UTC – parallel sessions 1

panel a1: Platform governance

Chair: Meri Baghdasaryan, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School (United States)
Discussant: Peng Hwa Ang, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)


Chair: Yik Chan Chin, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)
Discussant:  Alejandro Pisanty, National Autonomous University of Mexico

15:20-16:35 UTC – parallel sessions 2


Chair:  Ioana Stupariu, Central European University (Austria)
Discussant: Claudio Lucena, Paraiba State University (Brazil) & FCT (Portugal) 


Chair: Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa & University of Cape Town, Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance (South Africa)
Discussant: Rasha Abdulla, American University in Cairo (Egypt)

16:40-17:55 UTC – parallel sessions 3


Chair: Bruna Santos, Coalizão Direitos na Rede (Brazil) 
Discussant: Farzaneh Badii, Yale University (United States)


Chair: Amit Sheniak, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Discussant:  Carolina Ines Aguerre, GCR21-UniDUE (Germany) and CETYS UDESA (Argentina)

Stream A: 18:00-19:00 UTC – GigaNet business meeting

2020 GigaNet Symposium Program Committee

Program Chair: Roxana Radu, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford & Geneva Transformative Governance Lab, University of Geneva

Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa & University of Cape Town, South Africa
Berna Akcali Gur, Kadir Has University Law School, Turkey
Carolina Ines Aguerre, University of San Andrés, Argentina
Corinne Cath, University of Oxford, UK
Courtney Radsch, Committee to Protect Journalists, USA
Daniel Oppermann, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Dmitry Epstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Edison Tabra, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
Gianluigi Negro, University of Siena, Italy
Hans K. Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Jamal Shahin, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jat Singh, University of Cambridge, UK
Joanna Kulesza, University of Lodz, Poland
Mando Rachovitsa, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Maria Bada, University of Cambridge, UK
Matthias Kettemann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research and Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany
Milton Mueller, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Nanette Levinson, American University, USA
Niels Oever, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Patricia Vargas Leon, Yale Law School and Tufts University, USA
Rolf H. Weber, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Thomas Winzen, University of Essex, UK
Trisha Meyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Yik Chan Chin, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

2020 Annual Symposium Call for Papers (Katowice, Poland)

Call for Papers

GigaNet 2020 Symposium 

 2 November (Katowice, Poland)

GigaNet – the Global Internet Governance Academic Network – is now accepting extended abstracts for papers to be presented at its annual symposium. As of now, GigaNet 2020 is planned to be held alongside the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Katowice, Poland. We expect our symposium to take place on “Day 0” of the IGF, which is Monday, 2 November. 

Papers on any Internet/data governance-related topic are welcome. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. There will be the possibility of a focused subset of accepted papers to be fast-tracked for publication in a relevant journal. Welcome topics include, but are not limited to:

The evolution of Internet governance / institutions / norms

•  Governance of standards, content, practices, including governance of/by online platforms

•  Public/private governance dynamics in Internet policy/technical areas

•  Cybersecurity policy and governance

•  Digital security and privacy negotiation

•  Cryptocurrencies and relations with the Internet infrastructure

•  Cross-regional cooperation and initiatives 

•  Mobilization and social structure(s) in the digital age

•  Norm development by states and/or non-state actors

Future-oriented Internet research agenda

•  Emerging topics in Internet governance (e.g. public health, emergency preparedness)

•  Data governance

•  Interdisciplinary perspectives on the governance of new technologies (Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, virtual currencies)

Internet Governance as a field of study

•  Narratives, myths and frictions in the construction of the Internet governance field

• Theoretical innovations

•  Institutional morphologies and (inter)disciplinary typologies

• Theories and methods applicable to Internet governance research

GigaNet is oriented around the presentation of research papers. The proposed extended abstract should be 800-1500 words long and must describe:

1.  Research question(s),

2.   Data used, 

3.   Methodology, and 

4.   Main (expected) findings of the paper. 

Theoretical papers need not specify the data used but must have a clear research question and statement of the specific theories used and literature in which the analysis is situated. 

Reviews of individual papers will be double blind. Please do not include names or any other personally identifiable information on the uploaded file. (Be aware, however, that applicants will submit through the Easychair platform. This records their names and contact information: the program committee chair will be able to see that information.)

*We are monitoring closely the evolving COVID-19 situation and hope that the physical meeting in Katowice can go ahead as planned. Should that change due to a prolongation of the pandemic restrictions, we will make arrangements to move the symposium online*

GigaNet encourages emerging scholars to submit their work to the symposium. Proposals should be submitted in English. Participation in the GigaNet symposium is free of charge.

For submission, the extended abstract must be uploaded to the Easychair website ( by 22 May 2020.

Important dates:

•       NEW Extended abstracts submission: 22 May

•       Notification to authors of acceptances/rejections: 15 June

•       Accepted authors confirm attendance: 10 July

•       Full papers due: 15 September

•       GigaNet Symposium: 2 November

GigaNet is an international association of academic researchers founded in 2006 to support multidisciplinary research on Internet governance. Its membership includes researchers from all over the world who are contributing to local, national, regional, and international debates on Internet governance. More information on GigaNet’s organizational structures and activities can be found on its website at

Join us for a Webinar on how to publish in IG – February 17, 2020

Farzaneh Badii is organizing a webinar to discuss how to get published in internet governance. Her initiative was driven by real questions that many of us face at the beginning and throughout our academic careers: What is the right target publication for a particular piece? When to know that a piece is ready to go? How to deal with negative reviews? And more.

To explore those questions, Farzaneh has put together an exciting panel of established scholars in the field coming from different disciplines. Now we want to invite you to participate in this event that will take place online.

What: Webinar on how to publish in IG

Who: You in a conversation with Alison Gillwald, Francesca Musiani, Milton Mueller, and Scott Shackelford 

When: Monday, February 17, 2020 at 15:00/3:00PM UTC

Where: Online, using Zoom (you can join online or call a local number

If you are interested in participating, please register at the following link:

Hope you will find this interesting and hope to see you there!

2019 Annual Symposium Programme (Berlin, Germany)

The GigaNet Reception

Sunday, November 24, 18:00-20:00
Villa Rixdorf Restaurant, Richardplatz 6, Berlin
(15 minute walk from the Estrel Conference Center)

This reception has been generously sponsored by ICANN.

line break

The GigaNet 2019 Symposium

Monday, November 25, 10:35-18:00
Convention Hall I-D, Estrel Congress Center, Berlin

If you cannot attend the GigaNet Annual Symposium, watch the event LIVE here or participate remotely (we are in Hall I-D and you will need to register).

The symposium is supported by our local host organization, the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

Symposium Program


Hans Klein, Georgia Tech, USA


Chair: Dmitry Epstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

12:10‐13:00 LUNCH


Chair: Carolina Aguerre, Universidad de San Andres, Argentina

14:30‐14:45 BREAK

14:45‐16:15 LAWS & NORMS

Chair: Julia Pohle, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany

16:15‐16:30 BREAK

16:30‐18:00 THEORY

Chair: Marianne Franklin, Goldsmith’s University of London


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2019 GigaNet Symposium Program Committee

Program Chair: Hans Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Local Conference Chair: Julia Pohle, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany

Angela Daly, Strathclyde University Law School, Scotland
Anna Loup, University of Southern California, USA
Caleb Ogundele, African Academic Network on Internet Policy, Nigeria
Christian Djeffal, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Daniel Oppermann, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Divina Frau-Meigs, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Dmitry Epstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Edison Tabra, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
Efrat Daskal, Northwestern University, USA
Elinor Carmi, Liverpool University, UK
Gianluigi Negro, Peking University, China
Jamal Shahin, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jat Singh, University of Cambridge, UK
Jim Quirk, American University, USA
John Gathegi, University of South Florida, USA
Jun Liu, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Maria Bada, University of Cambridge, UK
Matthias Kettemann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research and Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI), Germany
Nanette Levinson , American University, USA
Rolf Weber, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Trisha Meyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Yik Chan Chin, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Yong Liu, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, China