ICYMI: Infrastructural Distortion and Possession & Internet Standard Setting Research Methods webinars

Earlier this year we had two GigaNet supported events.

Infrastructural Distortion and Posession

Global internet infrastructure is increasingly becoming part of geopolitical conflicts. However, politics have always been an inherent part of communication infrastructures. One could even argue that that the internet infrastructure has been a field of reconfiguration of global power for decades, we just failed to see it. Elinor Carmi, Fenwick McKelvey and Seda Guerses shone a light on the actors and particularly the material reconfiguration of our life-worlds and politics through technology.

Internet Standard Setting Research Methods

We also had the workshop on Internet Standard Setting Research Methods. This workshop showcased the broad range of research methods used by Internet governance scholars from multiple disciplines to study Internet standard-setting bodies, such as the IETF, IEEE, W3C, WHATWG, 3GPP, ITU-T, ITU-R.

2022 Annual Symposium Programme (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – hybrid)

28 NOVEMBER (Banquet Hall A, United Nations Conference Centre & Online)




Chair: Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa and Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town

Discussant: Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus

11h30   BREAK


Chair: Yik Chan Chin, Beijing Normal University

Discussant: Ayden Ferdeline, Humanity in Action / Alfred Landecker Foundation



Chair: Jan Aart Scholte, Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, Leiden University

Discussant: Dmitry Epstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

15h20   BREAK



We look forward to the symposium and to your participation!

GigaNet Program Committee 2022 

Program Chair: Roxana Radu, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Berna Akcali Gur 

Yik Chan Chin

Andrea Calderaro

Corinne Cath

Dmitry Epstein 

Patricia Esteve-Gonzalez 

Giovanni De Gregorio

Robert Gorwa 

Matthias C. Kettemann

Hans Klein

Nanette Levinson 

Jun Liu 

Ashwin Mathew

Trust Matsilele 

Trisha Meyer 

Riccardo Nanni 

Gianluigi Negro

Niels ten Oever 

Daniel Oppermann 

Jim Quirk

Julia Pohle 

Gnanajeyaraman Rajaram

Michèle Rioux

Mauro Santaniello 

Jamal Shahin 

Jat Singh

Edison Tabra 

Patricia Adriana Vargas Leon 

Rolf H. Weber

Webinar: Infrastructural Distortion and Possession

14 December 2022 at 8pm CEST, online, website here

Global internet infrastructure is increasingly becoming part of geopolitical conflicts. However, politics have always been an inherent part of communication infrastructures. One could even argue that that the internet infrastructure has been a field of reconfiguration of global power for decades, we just failed to see it. Elinor Carmi, Fenwick McKelvey and Seda Guerses have been will shine a light on the actors and particularly the material reconfiguration of our life-worlds and politics through technology. This event is co-organized by Giganet.

Dr Elinor Carmi
Dr Fenwick McKelvey

Dr Seda Guerses

Dr Niels ten Oever

Please register through the link here

2022 Annual Symposium Call for Papers (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – hybrid)

GigaNet – the Global Internet Governance Academic Network – is now accepting extended abstracts for papers to be presented at its annual symposium. As of now, GigaNet 2022 is planned to be held alongside the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which is held in a hybrid format in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 28 November to 2 December 2022. For the time being, the GigaNet symposium is planned as a virtual event on Day 0 of the IGF.  

Papers on any Internet/digital governance-related topic are welcome. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. There will be the possibility of a focused subset of accepted papers to be fast-tracked for publication in a relevant journal. In the last two years, selected papers presented at the conference were invited for a dedicated special issue of Telecommunications Policy

Welcome topics for this year’s symposium include, but are not limited to:

Internet Governance as a field of study

  • Narratives, myths and frictions in the construction of the Internet governance field
  • Internet governance cultures and power dynamics 
  • Theoretical innovations and new methods applicable to Internet governance research

The evolution of Internet governance, institutions, and norms in the areas of: 

  • Internet standards and protocols
  • Internet infrastructure
  • Platform governance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Governance of data streams
  • Digital rights online 

Future-oriented Internet research agenda

  • Emerging topics in Internet governance (e.g. environment)
  • Digital sovereignty
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on the governance of new technologies (Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, virtual currencies), etc.
  • Fragmentation of the Internet

Internet Governance during the pandemic:

  • New challenges and opportunities of digitalization 
  • Health governance & COVID-tracing apps
  • Freedoms, rights and limitations 
  • Internet governance and emergency preparedness

Internet governance at a time of war: 

  • Online harms, cyberattacks and accountability
  • Connectivity and access to information 
  • Cyber operations and sanctions
  • Neutrality in the cyber domain
  • Applicability of international law
  • Role of international bodies and/or public-private partnerships

GigaNet is oriented around the presentation of research papers. The proposed extended abstract should be 800-1000 words long (excluding bibliography) and must describe:

1.   Research question(s),
2.   Data used, 
3.   Methodology, and 
4.   Main (expected) findings of the paper,
5. Contributions to literature and/or ongoing policy debates. 

Theoretical papers need not specify the data used but must have a clear research question and statement of the specific theories used and literature in which the analysis is situated. 

The extended abstract must be uploaded to the Easychair website by 10 July 2022, 23.59h (in the submitter’s timezone). 

Reviews of individual abstracts will be double blinded. Please do not include names or any other personally identifiable information on the uploaded file or in the text of the submission itself on the EasyChair platform. (The platform records the author name(s) and contact information: the program committee chair will be able to see that information.) 

Full papers should only be submitted upon invitation, following the selection of abstracts. While multiple submissions by the same author(s) are allowed, there can only be one presentation per author. 

GigaNet encourages emerging scholars and researchers working with diverse methodologies to submit their work to the symposium. Proposals should be submitted in English. Participation in the GigaNet symposium is free of charge.

Important dates:
Extended abstracts submission: 10 July
Notification to authors of acceptances/rejections: 31 August
Accepted authors confirm attendance: 10 September
Full papers due: 15 October       

GigaNet Symposium: end of November (date tbc)


GigaNet is an international association of academic researchers founded in 2006 to support multidisciplinary research on Internet governance. Its membership includes researchers from all over the world who are contributing to local, national, regional, and international debates on Internet governance. More information on GigaNet’s organizational structures and activities can be found on its website at https://www.giga-net.org.

Webinar: To sanction or not to sanction the Internet access: A SancNet debate

Friday, April 1st at 4 PM CEST, online, register here

Until now, sanctions on the Internet infrastructure have not been explicitly used, perceived by some as an unacceptable barrier to communication. However, recently, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the Ukrainian government explicitly asked for such sanctions. In response to that, Internet governance organizations rejected this notion, but others proposed that sanctions and boycotts should also be imposed on various properties of the Internet.  

Sanctions are not new. The Internet and many Internet services have long been affected by economic sanctions that governments impose on other nation states. Such sanctions have blocked people’s access to online services and, to some extent, to Internet infrastructure. Considering the importance of the Internet in connecting people, nation states have come up with waivers for certain transactions that take place on the Internet. Today, in the face of atrocities being committed by Russia against Ukraine, is it time to reconsider whether sanctions are “absolutely” bad for the Internet? What can be learned from other examples of internet-related sanctions, such as Iran? Join us to debate the desirability and  potential intended and unintended consequences of explicitly Internet-oriented sanctions. Is it possible  to design sanctions and boycotts targeting Internet infrastructure and services that can be proportionate, precise, effective and that can provide relief for Ukraine and those affected by war? 


  • Courtney Radsch, Fellow, Institute for Technology, Law & Policy, UCLA and ARTICLE19 US adviser (moderator)
  • Andrew Sullivan, CEO, Internet Society 
  • Farzaneh Badii, Founder, Digital Medusa 
  • Bill Woodcock, Executive Director, Packet Clearing House 
  • Yik-Chan Chin, Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University 
  • Svitlana Matvitenko, Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, School of Communication (video contribution)

Sponsoring organizations:

  • UCLA Institute for Technology, Law & Policy
  • GigaNet
  • Digital Medusa
  • University of Amsterdam, IN-SIGHT.it project


When: Friday, April 1st at 4 PM CEST/10 AM ET/7 AM Pacific Time

Please use the following link to register for the event: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqd-CgrTguHNbZiKa-Rq2ugJHXblvZlO45